Delegations to Council
Written delegation requests are screened by the Clerk-Treasurer, in consultation with the Mayor. The Clerk-Treasurer will contact you by telephone, letter, or email regarding your request. The Clerk-Treasurer will inform Council of requests that are not granted.
If a delegation request is granted, all presentation materials must be submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer one week prior to the Council meeting date.
Delegation Guidelines
- A delegate may address Council or Committee for a period of time not exceeding ten (10) minutes. Council or Committee may extend the fix minute time period by a majority vote of members present. Such a motion shall be decided without debate.
- For the purpose of Council and Committee meeting agendas, delegates have until 12:00 p.m. (noon) seven (7) days prior to the meeting to notify the Clerk that they wish to delegate or to submit written submissions on items on the agenda.
- Designated representatives of senior levels of government shall have no limitations placed on their delegations.
- Delegates shall only be permitted at Council budget meetings designated for the explicit purpose of receiving budget delegations.
- No delegation shall be made to Council or Committee on matters relating to litigation or potential litigation, including those matters which are before and under the jurisdiction of any court or administrative tribunals unless such matter is referred to Council by the said administrative tribunal or court.
- No delegate shall speak on a matter that is not within the jurisdiction of the Council or Committee. The Mayor and Committee Chairs in consultation with the Clerk will determine if a matter is within jurisdiction of the Council or Committee.
- No delegations shall be made to notices of motion on a Council or Committee agenda. Delegates will have an opportunity to speak at a subsequent Council or Committee Meeting when that item will be discussed.
- No delegations shall be permitted to speak on a notice of motion to reconsider.
- No delegations shall be made at workshops.
- A delegate may not address Council or Committee with respect to a By-Law on the agenda.
- Delegates shall not be permitted to appear before Council or Committee for the sole purpose of generating publicity for an event.
- No delegations shall be permitted to speak during a presentation at Council, Committee of the Whole or Committee Meetings.
- A delegate shall only register themselves to speak and may not register other delegates.
- No Delegations shall be permitted to speak on the following topics:
- labour relations or staff negotiations;
- tenders, requests for proposals or other procurement issues;
- any matter that is the subject at Closed Session.
- Delegations are not permitted to address Council on a policy matter upon which Council has already made a decision within the previous twelve (12) months, unless Council has decided to reconsider the matter.
- Members shall not pose questions to Staff during a Delegation.
- Delegations shall conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 3.16 of this By-Law.
- Members may only address the Delegation to ask a maximum of three (3) questions.
- If a delegate is unable to attend a meeting for which they are registered they may provide their written submission to the Clerk.
- Delegates wishing to speak on a matter shall provide the Clerk in writing before 12:00 p.m. (noon) seven (7) days prior to the Meeting a request outlining the subject matter of the delegation and the action they would like Council to take.
- The Clerk will advise the appropriate Chair of the request.
- The Clerk will advise the delegate that the Chair has been made aware of the request.
- The delegate will be advised of the actions taken or when the item is coming forward to Council or Committee.