Land use planning touches almost every aspect of life in McGarry Township. It helps decide where in our community that homes and businesses can be built; where parks and schools should be located; and where roads, sewers and other essential services should be provided.
Land use planning means managing our land and resources. It helps the community to set goals about how it will develop and to work out ways of reaching those goals while keeping important social, economic and environmental concerns in mind. It balances the interests of individual property owners with the wider interests and objectives of the whole community.
Good planning leads to orderly growth and the efficient provision of services. It affects all of us and helps us to have the kind of community we want.
The Official Plan contains objectives and policies established primarily to provide guidance or the development of a municipality.
The Township Zoning By-Law is a legal document, which is used to control the development of properties and buildings. Zoning classifies properties into Zones such Agricultural, Rural, Residential, etc. Each of these Zones have legally enforceable regulations attached to them such as the location and size of buildings, etc.
The Temiskaming Municipal Services Association (TMSA) provides Building Department Services for the Township of McGarry. The Chief Building Official issues building permits and undertakes building inspections to ensure construction meets the Ontario Building Code requirements for safe and energy efficient construction. The Chief Building Official is available to help residents, developers, builders and others in planning, designing and building a sustainable Township.
TMSA also assists in Zoning By-Law amendments, preparation of site plan control and development agreements, minor variances and preliminary comments for severances.
David Barton
Chief Building Official
Earlton, ON
P0J 1E0
The Planning Act and its regulations govern land use in Ontario. Under the Planning Act, there are Provincial Policy Statements which must be followed by all municipalities
A series of Citizen's Guides have been prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) to help you understand how the land use planning process works in Ontario. The Citizen's Guides are intended to give general information only and are not an interpretation of the Planning Act. For more information, visit the MMAH website directly or below for a certain Citizen's Guide.
9. The Plan Review and Approval Process
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