The main focus of the newsletter is to spotlight our communities and to keep our residents informed. It is used to provide updates on municipal projects and issues; provide information on resources, events and news.
Your input is valued! Please let us know if there is anything that you feel should be included in an upcoming issue of the newsletter.
If your organization would like to input an ad in our Newsletter you can call the office at 705-634-2145 and administration will inform you of all deadlines and information needed for your request.
There is now a cost to inputting an ad in our Newsletter.
A full page is $15.00 and half a page is $10.00.
All ads in our Newsletters need to be in English and French.
Contact Us
Township of McGarry
27 Webster Street P.O. Box 99. Virginiatown ON P0K 1X0, Map to this location
T. 705-634-2145 F. 705 634-2700
Email Us