The Township of McGarry Emergency Plan has been developed in accordance with the requirements of Ontario’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, which states that “every municipality shall develop and implement an emergency management program and the council of the municipality shall by By-Law adopt the emergency management program”. R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.9
In order to ensure the development and implementation of a community emergency management program in accordance with the Act, the Municipality is required to designate a Community Emergency Management Coordinator. The CEMC must be a municipal employee and the designation must be done officially by means such as a resolution of council or administrative designation.
The CEMC shall co-ordinate the development and implementation of the Township's emergency management program within the Municipality and shall co-ordinate the Municipality's emergency management program in so far as possible with the emergency management programs of other municipalities, of ministries of the Ontario Government and of organizations outside government that are involved in emergency management.
Council will establish an Emergency Management Program Committee consisting of members of the various departments and services within the Township and led by the CEMC.
The CEMC, in conjunction with the committee shall:
Meetings may be held annually or as needed.
Clerk |
Karine Pelletier |
Melanie Jensen |
Fire Chief |
Neil Albright |
Public Works Foreman |
Mark Brown (Acting Foreman) |
Head of Council |
Mayor Bonita Culhane |
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